– Lay people, religious priests who wish to deepen their knowledge of spirituality and develop skills for spiritual guidance and counseling;
– Education professionals, who are constantly confronted with the human dilemmas of their students, as well as their families;
– Mental health professionals who want to know and develop mental health skills
Churches, schools, hospitals, health institutions and related social institutions.

The Spiritual Counseling and Guidance course aims to be a contribution to religious leaders and society in the challenge of accompanying people in difficult situations, when they most need to have a companion on their way who is capable of listening, welcoming their experiences and indicate horizons beyond the apparent failure. From a solid theological and psychological foundation, the course prepares, in a theoretical and practical way, for the art of counseling and spiritual guidance.
The course also allows experts to develop skills in following people as they try to develop their relationship with the divine. So get to know the advanced knowledge of the theological and biblical foundations of approaches to spiritual direction in the Christian tradition to apply them in practice.